
I'm an Italian master's student in Engineering and Computer Science at university of Bologna department of Cesena.

  • I’m currently working on development technologies like React, NodeJs, React-Native, AWS services.
  • I’m currently learning everything about Web 3 and Typescript.
  • Talk with me about: technologies, travel, cryptocurrencies, finance, gym, reading, video games.


This are some of projects that i developed.

  • Recycle: Web Platform built with MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) in JavaScript and TypeScript with a WebSocket made with, styled with TailwindCss and deployed on Docker.
  • Simulated transactions analysis: Big data analysis using Spark, Hadoop, EMR, Scala and Tableau.
  • M9Museum forecasting: Use statistic and neural techniques on time series to forecast the entrances of the M9Museum.
  • Semantic segmentation: Semantic segmentation of drone images to recognize over 20 classes of membership.
  • AWS Serverless application: A .NET serverless application for manage users with Lambda, Cognito and DynamoDB.
  • Argos Robot avoid black areas: Argos robot programming in Lua to avoid black areas using QLearning technique.


I worked as

  • Full Stack Developer In Moretti Forni company.
    React - NodeJs - AWS services - Serverless - React Native - JavaScript - Python - MQTT
  • Software Engineer In Nautes company.
    React - Next - JavaScript - C# - .Net - AWS services - Hololens 2 - Unity
  • Software Engineer In Nautes company.
    Hololens 2 - Unity - C# - AWS services - .NET - Azure - Dynamics 365